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DVR Project SEARCH (PS) Fee Structure and Program Information

(August 2024)

Effective March 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

All Project SEARCH services/fees listed below require the services to be included on the consumer's Individualized Plan for Employment and prior written authorization by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) before services can be rendered and payment can be made. All services must comply with the service descriptions outlined for each Projecct SEARCH service or payment will not be made. No additional fees will be paid for requested meetings.

This fee schedule is to be used while the DVR consumer is an active Project SEARCH intern. Once a DVR consumer graduates from Project SEARCH or is not longer participating, the most appropriate DVR fee schedule/service structure should be followed for that consumer.


For unique circumstances that this fee schedule may not address, please consult with your local WDA Director/Supervisor.

Project SEARCH Services

Project SEARCH Program Information

Project SEARCH Fees

Project SEARCH Fees

Project SEARCH Adult Intern Credit

This is only paid for Project SEARCH interns who are considered adults for the purposes of this program, meaning the intern is not connected to a high school.

Code 063 Training Occupational/Vocational Training

For additional information please see the UW-Milwaukee process document.


Project SEARCH Skills Training:

Payable upon completion of acceptable service, and timely monthly progress reports to DVR (within five days of the conclusion of the previous month of service). First required service not to exceed 30 days from issue of service authorization.

Authorized in 3-month increments, one month per Purchase Order line.

(Code 212) Student for Pre-ETS purposes
(Code 071) Non-Student

National Project SEARCH best practice is a 4:1 ratio of skills trainer to intern.

Required Report: Project SEARCH Skills Training Report (DVR-18345-E)


Project SEARCH Intern Maintenance Payment:

Monthly DVR direct payment to intern during Project SEARCH rotations and signed monthly skill training report to DVR (within five business days of the conclusion of the previous month of service).

Project SEARCH (PS) Intern Maintenance Payment Process

Authorize all months through one Authorization, entering one month per direct payment during the timeframe of Project SEARCH rotations.

(Code 027)

Required Report: Project SEARCH Skills Training Report (DVR-18345-E) with signature


Project SEARCH Job Plan:

Payable upon completion of acceptable meeting and plan/report to DVR (within five business days of conclusion of this service). First required service not to exceed 30 days from issue of service authorization.

(Code 212) Student for Pre-ETS purposes
(Code 071) Non-Student

Required Report: Project SEARCH Job Development Plan (DVR-18843-E)

Up to $2,200

Project SEARCH Job Hire (during Project Search):

Payable upon completion of acceptable service, timely monthly progress reports, and hire report to DVR (within five business days of the conclusion of the previous month of service and within five days of hire). First required service not to exceed 30 days from issue of service authorization.

Preferred Placement/Hire Outcome Payment

  • $2,200 preferred outcome payment: Must have 35+ hours per week and health insurance benefits or 35+ hours per week and $12.00 hour.
  • $2,000 preferred outcome payment: Must have 20+ hours per week and health insurance benefits or 20+ hours per week and $9.00 hour.
  • $1,600 payment all other

(Code 024) General Participant
(Code 051) Supported Employment Participant

Hire offer for less than 16 hours per week will need DVR approval in advance.

National Project SEARCH criteria for successful employment is at least 16 hours per week.

Required Report:
General Participant: Job Development Hire Report (DVR-17037-E)
Supported Employment: SE Job Development Hire Report (DVR-17037-E)


Project SEARCH On-the-Job Supports

Monthly rate payable if the consumer is employed during their participation at Project SEARCH, upon completion of acceptable service, and timely monthly progress reports to DVR (within five business days of the conclusion of the previous month of service). First required service not to exceed 30 days from issue of service authorization.

Authorized in 3-month increments as needed, one month per Purchase Order line.

(Code 028)General Participant
(Code 050) Supported Employment Participant

Used only for consumers who have been hired while still participating in Project SEARCH program year. This rate applies for all consumers regardless of being hired within or outside of the host business.

Consumer needs to be on the job and stable for at least 90 days prior to DVR case closure OR prior to transition to long term supports for supported employment cases.

Required Report:
General Participant: SI Skill Instruction Report (DVR-18212-E)
Supported Employment: SE Skill Instruction Report (DVR-18212-E)

Other related services may need to be separately negotiated based on the needs of the consumer. The services detailed here are intended to provide a framework for commonly used Project SEARCH services. If the descriptions do not meet the needs of the individual consumer, please consult with the DVR consumer, the DVR counselor, the DVR supervisor and/or the service provider to determine the best course of action.

After the conclusion of the Project SEARCH program, the most appropriate DVR service fee structure for that consumer should be followed.

Project SEARCH Program Information

ASL Interpreting/Personal Attendant Services Responsibilities

If the intern gets hired during PS, discussions would need to take place with the employer for appropriate accommodations under ADA and resource information provided.

Braided Funding

Project SEARCH uses a braided funding model, meaning that DVR is not the only payer for this program. DVR pays a monthly fee for the PS program as well as costs associated with job placement. The Project SEARCH program fee payment (classroom portion) is paid by the local school district, long-term care funding sources, or even private pay. Other needed costs for the program should consider use of braided funding, e.g transportation.

Classroom Equipment

Sites fund their classroom needs in numerous ways. The business, provider, school, DVR, private donations, fundraising, and grants are all options for obtaining necessary equipment to make the classroom functional. Technology purchases are typically the most expensive. Technology discussions must take place in collaboration with the host business to ensure they are in line with the business's policies.

Consumer Informed Choice

DVR is required to assist consumers in making choices that impact their employment goals. Project SEARCH uses a single provider and consumers upon acceptance into Project SEARCH understand that they chose the provider associated with the Project SEARCH site. All interns participating in Project SEARCH must work with the identified Project SEARCH Service Provider throughout the entire duration of the program.

After Project SEARCH graduation an intern has the choice to continue to work with the Project SEARCH Service Provider or may choose a different service provider for general/supported employment job development services.


The PS curriculum provided by Project SEARCH National is comprehensive. Instructors have the option to use the curriculum or develop their own if it meets the same standards. Contracting for services to enhance the curriculum, such as Skills to Pay the Bills, is not necessary for most interns as that material is included in the curriculum. Additional services for individual consumers may be considered in consultation with a DVR Counselor.

Laptop/Personal Technology Device Purchases

If a laptop computer or other personal technology device is required for Project SEARCH and the student is in high school their high school is responsible for the associated costs. If school funding is not available or delayed, DVR could pay for the needed item according to applicable fee schedules. If a Project SEARCH participant is not in high school, the Long Term Support agency and/or DVR, using the applicable fee schedules, can pay for the needed item.

Project SEARCH Fee Schedule Service Descriptions

Overview: Each day, students report to the host business, learn employability skills in the classroom and job skills through their internships (usually 3-4 internships during the year).

Students and their teams meet monthly for progress reports and to continually refine their career goals and determine concrete next steps. Managers from the host business work with the teacher and job coaches to support the students every step of the way.

The ultimate goal upon program completion being the students' competitive placements at the host business or in the community, based on the skills and experience learned in their Project SEARCH experiences.

Project SEARCH Skills Training: The purpose of this service is to help support and enhance the intern's employability skills and to learn job tasks, organization and other skillsrelated to retaiing employment while they are a Project SEARCH intern. National Project SEARCH best practice is a 4:1 ratio of skills trainer to intern.

Project SEARCH Intern Maintenance Payment: : The payment is meant to assist interns with maintenance and personal costs during the rotation portion of Project SEARCH. This payment is not meant to cover items like transportation and uniforms needed for the Project SEARCH program. When necessary, DVR should continue to assist with paying for Project SEARCH transportation and uniform costs in addition to the payment being provided.

Project SEARCH Job Plan: The purpose is to pull together information learned about the intern while in PS. The report should identify the interns career goal the types of jobs that will be sought as well as what level of support that may be needed. Resume and Job Center of Wisconsin registration to be submitted along with report. This service occurs with the PS provider two to three months prior to PS graduation.

Project SEARCH Job Hire (during Project Search): Goal of Project SEARCH is permanent employment in the community. The Project SEARCH job hire should be in alignment with the DVR Plan for Employment for that consumer. Consultation with the intern's team which could include DVR, long-term supports/mental health supports, Project SEARCH instructor and skills trainer should take place to discuss the hire offer.

Hire offer for less than 16 hours per week will need DVR approval in advance.The job goal identified in the job development plan will align with their IPE long-term goal for case closure.

Project SEARCH On-the-Job Supports: Used only for consumers who have been hired while still participating in Project SEARCH. This rate applies for all consumers regardless of being hired within or outside of the host business.

If the consumer is hired after Project SEARCH graduation, please follow the most appropriate DVR statewide fee schedule and technical specifications.

A consumer needs to be on the job and stable for at least 90 days prior to DVR case closure OR prior to transition to long term supports for a supported employment case.

Project SEARCH Adult Intern Credit: This service is for adult interns coming into the Project SEARCH program. DVR pays the current UW-Milwaukee fee for continuing education credits. Interns will receive 70 continuing education credit for the year. Please see UW-Milwaukee process document for dates and timeline.

Project SEARCH Program Fee Payment Responsibility

There is an associated program fee for participation in Project SEARCH. If a student is in high school, the high school pays this cost. If the student is not in high school, the Long Term Care agency or private payers are responsible for the cost. This is the cost associated with the classroom portion of Project SEARCH.

Ratio Requirements

National Project SEARCH identifies a ratio for participants to skill trainers as 4:1. Wisconsin will work with providers to adhere to National Project SEARCH Model while providing quality service to our interns. If the 4:1 ratio is not feasible or there are other issues, please consult with the Project SEARCH statewide coordinator.


Transportation needs, plans and resources should be included in the application process for Project SEARCH. Interns participating in Project SEARCH are expected to learn how to independently commute to work, as this skill will be needed after the intern completes the program and is working in integrated employment. Students are encouraged to use public transportation when available, just as they would when employed after high school.

Transportation solutions should be individualized for each intern. Wherever public transportation is available, Project SEARCH programs should take advantage of this resource. It is essential that the Project SEARCH team works toward the most cost-effective solution for transportation for each intern.

If the intern is not able to find transportation independently:

Rotation Externships: Transporation for an intern at an off-site location needs to be discussed with the intern and their Project SEARCH team.

Uniforms/Work Materials

For work materials the employer does not provide but requires, DVR may assist with purchasing.